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Valuation Corp.
appraisal service & consulting
Valuation Corp.
appraisal & consulting

VALUATION Corp. provides appraisal services in regard to state-owned property in Russian Federation

State-Owned Property Appraisal in Russia

According to the current Russian legislation, independent appraisal of the property owned by the federal or municipal bodies is required in the event of any transactions conducted with such property. These transactions include, but are not limited to property buy-out, lease, granting temporary rights and pledging.

The Russian law establishes the uniform procedure for making transactions with state-owned property, i.e. the property may not be appraised otherwise than by an independent professional appraiser. This requirement is contained in Art. 8 of the Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”, which reads as follows:

“An appraisal is mandatory whenever a transaction involves any property owned, fully or partially, by the Russian Federation, constituent members thereof or municipal entities, in particular when:

  • determining the value of subject property owned by the Russian Federation, constituent members thereof or municipal entities for the purposes of privatization, trust management or lease;
  • using the subject property owned by the Russian Federation, constituent members thereof or municipal entities as a collateral;
  • selling or otherwise disposing of subject property owned by the Russian Federation, constituent members thereof or municipal entities;
  • assigning debt obligations related to the subject property owned by the Russian Federation, constituent members thereof or municipal entities;
  • transferring the subject property owned by the Russian Federation, constituent members thereof or municipal entities as a contribution to a charter fund of a legal entity…”

Should you require any professional assistance with state-owned property appraisal in Russian Federation, please contact us by email info@koo.ru or Telegram